1. The stout rod like structure running into the body through each bundle of setae both in
Notopodium and Neuropodium is
a. Setae b. Aciculam c. Cirrus d. Lobe
2. Spermatheca in the earthworm are in the .... segments.
a. 7,8 and 9 b. 8,9 and 10 c. 9,10 and 11 d. 8, 10 and 12
3. Heteronereis is a ..... of Nereis.
a. Swimming sexual phase b. Asexual phase c. Different species d. All the above
4. In Polychaeta, the nature of setae is
a. Numerous b. Occur singly c. Occur in bundles d. Fused
5. Leech is devoid of
a. Suckers b. Setae c. Setae and parapodia d. All the above
6. The animal commonly known as ragworm or sandworm is
a. Megascolex b. Nereis c. Hirudinaria d. Pheretima
7. The number of segments in Leech is
a. 12 b. 33 c. 26 d. Numerous
8. In earthworm, the ovary is situated in the .... segment
a. 11 b. 12 c. 13 d. 14
9. The scientific name of common Leech is
a. Pheretima posthuma b. Haemodipsa granulosa c. Hirudinaria granulosa
d. Megascolex mauriti
10.Choose the wrong statement.
a. In Nereis, the head is distinct with prostomial and peristomial tentacles, palps and eyes.
b. In Pheretima, the head is indistinct, tentacles, palps and eyes absent
c. In Hirudinaria, the head is indistinct, anterior segments with peculiar eyes. No tentacles
and palps
d. Pheritima and Hirudinaria - as both are on land - are provided with eyes and tentacles, but
no palps
11.Anticoagulant found in the saliva of Leech is
a. Hirudin b. Heparin c. Plasmin d. Haemoglobin
12.Pick out the correct statement. Fertilization in
a. Nereis and Pheritima is external and both have cocoon
b. Pheritima and Hirudinaria is external and both have cocoon
c. Nereis and Pheritima is external where as in Hirudinaria internal. Only Pheritima and
Hirudinaria have cocoons
d. Nereis and Hirudinaria, internal and have no cocoon
13.Botryoidal tissue can be compared to the
a. Amoeboid cells in the coelom of the earthworm
b. Coelomic fluid in the sandworm
c.Chloragogen cells of the earthworm
d. It cannot be compared to any tissue
14.Locomotion is assisted by the
a. Parapodia in sandworm b. Setae in earthworm c. Suckers in Leech
d. All the above
15.Hirudinaria granulosa takes blood meals from
a. Human beings only b. All types of vertebrates
c. Cold blooded vertebrates d. Warm blooded vertebrates
16.Select the blood sucking adaptation of Leech.
a. Presence of suckers and cutting pieces
b. Large crop with caecae for storing food
c. Hirudin as anticoagulant d. All the above
17. Leeches are ..... in habit
a. Sanguivorous b. Herbivorous c. Omnivorous d. Carnivorous
18. Pick out the false statement.
a. In Leech, the posterior sucker is for attachment and the anterior sucker for feeding
b. After a satisfactory feeding, a Leech can starve for more than six months
c. In Leech, the anterior sucker helps in attachment while the posterior sucker for feeding
d. Leech is a segmented, dorso ventrally flattened, blood sucking ectoparasite of warm blooded
19. Haemodipsa is a ..... Leech.
a. Marine b. Fresh water c. Land d. Fresh water and marine
20. The common IndianCattleLeeth is
a. Hirudinaria granulosa b. Hirudo medicinal is c. Haemadipsa d. None of these
21. A Leech can take three times its own weight of blood at one feed and go without food for
months together. To facilitate the storage of blood it has a well developed
a. Large coiled intestine b. Long crop with spacious caeca
c. Enlarged branching stomach D. All the above
22. Pick out the correct answer.
a. Chaetae in sandworm and earthworm is jointed and in 1eech absen t
b. Chaetae in sandworm jointed, in earthworm unjointed and in leech jointed
c. Chaetae in sandworm and earthworm is unjointed and in leech jointed
d. Chaetae in sandworm jointed and in earthworm and leech absent
23.Botryoidal tissue is peculiar to
a. Leech b. Earthworm c. Sandworm d. All Annelids
24.Haemocoelic system is found in
a. Earthworm b. Nereis c. Leeth d. In all Annelids
25.Septa is distinct in
a. Earthworm and sandworm b. Earthworm and leech
c. Leech and sandworm d. It is present in all annelida
26.Which is true ?
a. Nereis and Pheritima are both dioecious b. Nereis and Hirudinaria are both dioecious
c. Nereis and Pheritima are both monoecious d. Hirudinaria and Pheritima are both
27.Jaws in leech which helps the animal to cut a wound on the host are ... in number.
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
28.Asexual reproduction in Annelids is effected by
a. Fission b. Budding c. Regeneration d. All the above
29.Asexual reproduction does not occur in
a. Leeches b. Marine Annelids c. Earthworm d. All the above
30.Trochophore larva is only observed .... in its development
a. Nereis b. Pheritima c. Hirudinaria d. ‘b’ and ‘c’
1. b 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. c 6. b 7. b 8. a 9. c 10. d
11. a 12. c 13. c 14. d 15. d 16. d 17. a 18. c 19. c 20. a
21. b 22. b 23. a 24. c 25. a 26. d 27. b 28. d 29. a 30. a
medical entrance questions
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
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