medical entrance questions

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

44. A plant homozygous for (ab) genes were crossed with wild type (++). The Fl hybrid thus produced was test crossed. It produced progeny in the ratio is a. + + -1800 b. ab-1760 c. +a-230 d. +b-210 e. None
45. Photorcspiration is very high in
a. C4 - plants b. C3 - plants c. CAM- plants d. Epiphytes e. Hydrophytes
46. Dendrology is the study of
a. Flowers b. Trees c. Fruits d. Age of trees e. None of these
47. In plants, which element help for the translocation of food materials
a. Boron b. Copper c. Calcium d. Iron e. Zinc
48. The first discovered virus is
a. Polio virus b. Influenza virus c. HIV d. Reo-virus e. TMV
49. Plantlets are produced from the leaf blade of
a. Bulbophyllum b. Biyophyllum c. Bigonias d. Bogainvillea e. Agave
50. A pofyploidy inducing chemical is obtained from
a. Colechicum autumnale coim b. Colechicum autumnale flower c. Colechicum autumnale fruit
d. Colechicum autumnale leaf e. None of these
51. The phytohormone more effective in the production of parthenocarpic fruit is
a. Auxin b. Cytokinin c. Ethylene d. Gibberillin e. Both a & d
52. A protein content involved in the germination of monocot seeds
a. Scutellum b. Caryopsis c. Endosperm d. Aleurone layer e. Plumule
53. In a trihybrid cross between two plants with genotypes AaBbCc, What proportion of the offsprings will be of genotype aabbcc a. 1 / 2 b. 1 / 4 c. 1/64 d. 1/16 e. None of these
54. In seeds, food is stored in
a. Endosperm b. Epicotyle c. Cotyledons d. Fleshy pericarp e. Both a and c
55. If blood group of parents are AB and O, the possible blood group of childrens are
a. AB group only b. A or B group c. O" group only d. AB and O group only e. O+ group only
56. Shifting of a part of one chromosome to another non-homologous chromosome is
a. Translocation b. Transversion c. Crossing over d. Recombination e. Conjugation
57. An inflorescence with single female flower and male flowers with a scorpioid form is
a. Syconium b. Spadix c. Monochasial cyme d. Capitulum e. Cyathium
58. The material forming exine of pollengrain is
a. Lignin b. Suberin c. Cellulose d. Sporopollenin e. None
59. Pollination occur by Bats
a. Orrdthophily b. Anemophily c. Hydrophily d. Entemophily e. Chiropteriphily
60. Lac operon was discovered by a. Jacob and Monad b. Beadle and Tautum
c. Watson & Crick d. Sutton an d Bavery e. Meselson and Stahl
61. How many contractile vacuoles are found in Entamoeba hystolytica
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. none
62. DNA synthesis takesplace at
a. S phase b. G phase c. G2 phase d. M phase
63. Kupffer cells are found in
a. liver b. Kidney c. spleen d. Pancreas
64. Bundle of His arises from
a. S,A Node b. A.V. node c. Auricle d. ventricle
65. The cavity of Hydra is
a. Haemocoel b. Hydrocoel c. Pseudocoel d. Gastro vascular cavity
66. Pseudocoel is derrivative of
a. Blastocoel b. Archenteron c. Neurocoel d. none
67. The intermediat host in case of liver fluke is
a. Man b. pig c. snail d. Mosquito
68. Devilfish is a. Octopus b. sepia c. Loligo d. All
69. Body is not segmented in a. Ascaris b. Sycon c. Hydra d. All
70. Nonparasitic platyhelminth is
a. Fasciola b. Taenia c. Planaria d. All

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medical entrance