medical entrance questions

Thursday, July 17, 2008


1. The flow of protons and synthesis of ATP are coupled in

a. ATP synthases b. ATP hydrolases c. ADP phosphorylases d. ATP polymerases

2. The products of Hill reaction are

a. PGAL & CO2 b. NADPH & O2 c. NADH & ATP d. Glucose & ATP

3. Sex chromosomes are generally called a. autosomes b. atroph c. autotroph d.


4. In f x 174, the genetic material is

a. single standard RNA b. double stranded DNA c. single stranded DNA d. both


5. A river mouth ecosystem is called a. lentic b. estuary c. lotic d.


6. DDT was discovered by a. Alec Jeffreys b. Jeffery Archer c. Howard Temin

d. PaulMuller

7. The Minimata disease was first detected in a.Japan b. USA c. China d.

8. Establishment of national parks, sancturies and bio­sphere reserves is a method of

a.ex situ conservation b. Terracing c. In situ conservation d. Mulching

9. Purple sulpher bacteria is

a. phototropnic b. chemotrophic c. nitrogen fixing d. heterotrophic

10. A unicellular ascomycete is a. Agaricus b. Saceharomyces c. Asperglillus d.

11. The amphibians of plant kingdom are a. Algae b. Pteridophyta c. Bryophyta d.


12. The number of integuments covers the ovule in Pinus is a. two b. one c.

four d. three

13. The androecium in cucurbita is

a. syngenesious b. versatile c. polyadelphous d. synandrous

14. Basal placentation is seen in a. Hibiscus b. Primula c. sunflower d. Pea

15. Sylviculture is cultivation of

a. crops b. rare plants c. forest trees d. ornamental plants

16. Tocopherol, constitutes the compounds of

a. vitamin B b. vitamin K c. vitamin B d. vitamin E

17. Eukaryotic mitochondria contains ribosomes formed of

a. 30 s and 40 s b. 40 s and 50 s c. 30 sand 50s d. 40s and 60s

18. The X-shaped structures produced during meiosis I are

a. Chiasmata b. bivalents c. stomata d. stigmata.

19. The wavelength more effective in photosynthesis is

a. 700 nm b. 640 nm c. 440 nm d. 680 nm

20. Pantothenic acid is a component of a. NAD+ b. Coenzyme A c. NADP* d. PEPA

21. The ccllwalls of guard cells are a. uniformly thin b. uniformly thick

c. made of suberin d.thinner on the innerside e. thicker on the innerside

22. The albuminous cells of gymnosperms can be compared to

a. vessels b. companion cells c. sieve tubes d. sieve elements e. sieve cells

23. A fermentation product of grapes using Saceharomyces is called

a. whey b. rum c. beer d. wine e. adjunet

24. A false statement about auxins is that a. it is involved in cell division b. it

controls abscission c. it inhibits growth of apical buds d. it prevents premature

fall of flowers e. it induces parthinocarpy

25. The part of the flower to be removed during emasculation is

a. anther b. stigma c. ovule d. sepal e. petal

26. The plant showing complete absence of roots is

a. Hydrilla b. Utricularia c. Pistia d. Azolla e. Vallisneria

27. The pH of ground water is lowered by

a. smoke b. smog c. acid rain d. green house effect e. sewage

28. Match the terms given in column A with those given in column B

Column A Column B

1. Silent valley A. Bandipur

2. Tiger project in Karnata B. Bharat pur

3. Rhinoceros C. Tropical rain forest

4. Assemblage protection D. Kaziranga

a. 1-C; 2-A; 3-D; 4-B b. 1-A; 2-B; 3-C; 4-D c. 1-B; 2-A; 3-C; 4-D d.1-C; 2-D; 3-A; 4-B

e.1-D; 2-C; 3-B; 4-A

29. The part of Nostoc that contains nitrogenase enzyme is
a. vegetative cell b. akinite c. hormogonia d. trichome e. heterocyst

30. The much branched filamentous structure that growsout of a spore in Porytrichum is

a. prothallus b. germling c. hypha d. protonema e. rhizoid

31 . Cytosine differs from cysteine in that the former is a. a pyrimidine and latter an


b. a purine and latter an aminoacid c. is an aminoacid and latter a pyrimidine

d. an aminoacid and latter a purine e. cytosine is directly involved in protein synthesis

32. Avena curvature tests were conducted by

a. Boysen - Jensen b. F.WWent c. Thimann d. Blackman e. Yabuta

33. Tyloses are found in the a. Xylem elements of alburnum b. Phloem
c. Xylem elements of duramen d. Cork cells of phellum e. cells of penderm

34. Histone is a. an aminoacid b. a polymer of glucose c. a fat d. a purine e.

a protein
35. Collateral, conjoint and closed vascular bundles are characteristic features of

a. monocot stem b. dicot stem c. dicot root d. monocot root e. bicollateral vascular


36. Indo acetic acid is a derivative of

a. tyrosine b. threonine c. tryptophan d. thymine e. abstisicacid

37. Auxanometer is used in measuring the rate of

a. respiration b. growth c. photosynthesis d. transpiration e. imbibition of water

38. The disease that belongs to the same category as color­blindness in man is

a. night blindness b. Tuberculosus c. Diabetes d. haemophilia e. Typhoid

39. Clove is a a. fruit b. flower c. seed d. seed coat e. dry
flower bud

40. The false fruit among the following is

a. pear b. sapota c. orange d. melon e. mango

41 . The inducer in the operon concept is

a. galactosidase b. glucose c. permease d. lactose e. sucrose

42. Sorosis is developed from a. cyathium b. raceme c. catkin d.
hypanthodium e. thyrsus

43. Soredia are produced by

a. Nostoc b. Agaricus c. Diatom d. Riccia e. lichen

44. In a lotic ecosystem phytoplankton represent the

a. decomposers b. microproducers c. consumers d. herbivore e. carnivore

45. Bulliform cells help in

a. rolling of the leaf b. closure of stomata c. opening of stomata d. photosynthesis

e. respiration

46. The inheritance of ABO blood group is regulated by a. incomplete dominance

b. recessive alleles c. Sex-linked genes d. codominant genes e. complete dominance

47. Reverse transcriptase helps in

a. formation of DNA from RNA template b. formation of RNA from DNA template

c. DNA replication d. protein synthesis e. glycolysis

48. The initiation codon in protein synthesis is

a. UAG b. AUG c. UAA d. UGA e. AAA

49. The continuity of sieve tubes and companion cells is maintained by

a. lenticels b. stomata c. plasmodcsmata d. pits e. pores

50. Herkogamy is an adaptation a. to favour cross pollination

b. to favour self pollination c. of stems d. of leaves e. for hydrophylly

51 .Wilting is a phenomenon associated with

a. exosmosis b. endosmosis c. absorption d. imbibition e. osmosis

52. When a monohybrid or dihybrid is crossed with a recessive parental type ,the cross is called

a. back cross b. linkage c. poly genic inheritance d. test cross e. crisscross

53. Anomalous secondary thickening is seen in

a. Sun flower b. Shoe flower c. Cleome d. Lucas e. Dracaena

54. The absorbing surface of roots is increased by

a. Pith b. Pith rays c. root hairs d. Xylem e. Phloem

55. A stetch of DNA contains 150 adenine and 150 cytosine base pairs. The total number of
nucleotides in the DNA fragment would be a. 150 b. 600 c.

300 d. 100 e. 800

56. Mutations in plants and animals cannot be induced by

a. radio waves b. X-rays c. gamma rays d. U-V radiation e. mutagen

57. When the ovary of a flower matures it becomes a

a. seed b. an embryo c. an ovule d. a fruit e. an egg
8. Genetic engineering makes use of

a. algae b. fungi c. bacteria d. bryophyta e. pteridophyta

59. Carriers of colour blindness are always

a. men b. women c. insects d. plasmids e. men and women

60. Passage cells are found in a. epidermis b. cortex c. pericycle d. pith e. endodermis

1. c 2. d 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. a 7. b 8. b 9. a 10. c 11. c 12. b 13. c
14. a 15. c 16. a 17. a 18. c 19. d 20. a 21. b 22. a 23. c 24. a 25. a 26. c
27. b 28. d 29. c 30. b 31. a 32. b 33. b 34. a 35. a 36. c 37. b 38. c 39. a 40. b 41. b 42. c 43. c 44. c 45. d 46. b 47. a 48. c 49. a 50. d


Unknown said...

wgere is ans of 51-60 questions

Unknown said...

39 is wrong..clove is not a fruit it is flower bud

medical entrance