medical entrance questions

Tuesday, July 1, 2008



1. Which one of the following is not a coelenterate character ?

a. Radial symmetry b. Tissue grade of organisation c.Presence of enidoblasts

d.Triploblastic cell wall

2. Which of the following is the most acceptable statement regarding similarities of medusa of

Obelia and Aurelia ?

a. Mesoglea is non cellular in both b. Tentaaculocysts are present in both

c. In both, a free swimming planula occur d. In both, reproductive cells are

derived from ectoderm

3. In Coelenterates, cells are grouped to form

a.Only tissues b.Tissues and Organs c.Tissues, Organs and Organ systems

d.None of the above

4. The usual method of asexual reproduction in Coelenterates is

a. Regeneration b. Budding c. Fragmentation d. ‘a’and ‘c’

5. The jelly like secretion which separates the ectoderm and the endoderm in Coelenterates is

called the

a. Mesenteron b. Interstitial cells c. Mesoderm d. Mesoglea

6. The most primitive type of nervous system, the so-called nerve net, is observed in

a. Annelida b. Echinodermata c. Coelenterata d. Arthropoda

7. All these do form the ectodermal cells of the Coelenterates except

a. Musculo epithelial and Interstitial cells
b. Gland, nerve and sensory cells

c. Germ cells and cnidoblasts d. Flagella

8. Medusa of Obelia differs from Aurelia in having

a. Gonads b. Tentacles c. Tentaculocysts d. Statocysts

9.Stinging cells (enidoblasts) are offensive and defensive structures of

a. Porifera b. Coelenterates c. Insects d. Centipede

10. Cnidoblasts are formed from the

a. Musculo epithelial cells b. Endodermal cells c. Interstitial cells d. Mesoglea

11. The process of digestion in Hydra is found to be

a. Purely extracellular b. Only intracellular c. Both extra and intracellular

d. None of the above

12. Stinging apparatus of the Cnidoblast is called the

a. Nematocyst b. Statocyst c.Oocyst d. Tentaculocyst

13. Hydra is said to be negatively chemo tropic because it

a. Moves away from strong light
b. Prefers weak illumination

c. Moves to water of low temperature d. Avoids chlorinated water

14.The offence, and defence cells which also aids in capturing animal food in the Coelenterates is


a. Gland cells b. Musculo-epithelial cells c.Tentacles d. Cnidoblasts wit Nematocysts

15. Tantacles of Hydra arise from

a. Aboral end b. Hypostome c. Body wall d. Stalk

16. Which of the following happens to a Hydra when it is cut transversely into two halves ?

a. Building up lost parts b. Reunion of the two halves c. Wound healing d. Death

17. If a Hydra has to propagate successfully in a pond which is going to dry up, what method of

reproduction will it involve

a. Sexual b. Parthenogenesis c. Budding d. Sporogony

18. Which of the following type of movement-is shown by Hydra ?

a. Looping b. Wriggling c. Amoeboid d. Flagellar

19. Pick out the correct statement.

a. Medusae are umbrella - like sedentary forms whereas polyps are

tubular free swimming forms

b. Medusae are tubular sedentary forms whereas polyps are umbrella like free

swimming forms

c. Medusae are umbrella like free swimming forms where as polyps are tubular sedentary


d. Medusae are tubular free swimming forms where as polyps are umbrella like sedentary


20. Obelia is

a. Polymorphic b. Dimorphic c. Trimorphic d. None of the above

21. Coelenterates are

a. Diploblastic animals with bilateral symmetry b. Diploblastic animals with radial symmetry

c. Triploblastic animals with bilateral symmetry d. Triploblastic animals with radial symmetry

22. The mouth of Hydra opens into the cavity of hypostome which leads into a large spacious

cavity known as

a. Coelenteron b. Coelon c. Haemocoel d. Intestine

23. ............ is also known commonly as a jelly fish.

a. Physalia b. Pneumatophore c. Obelia d. Aurelia

24. The common stem of axis bearing zooid on side branches of the colony in Obelia is termed as

a. Hydrotheca b. Hydrorhiza c. Hydranth d. Hydrocaulus

25. The chitinous, yellow, transparent outer membrane in Obelia colony is the

a. Perisarc b. Coenosarc c. Gonotheca D. Hydrorhiza

26.The function of a dactylozooid in a polymorphic colony is

a. Nutrition b. Reproduction c. Locomotion d. Offence and defence

27. Each blastostyle is enclosed along with its medusa buds by a perisarcal cylindrical covering

called the

a. Manubrium b. Coenosarc c. Hypostome d. Gonotheca

28. Pick out the wrong statement.

a. Gonangia are the reproductive zooids of Obelia

b. Manubrium (Hypostome), the conical elavation of hydranth, bears mouth at its tip

c. Gonangium lack mouth and tentacles

d. Gonotheca is the coenosarcal mass of gonangium

29.Blastostyle, with its gonotheca and gonophore, together, is called

a. Medusa b. Polyp c. Gonangium d. Hydranth

30.Each gastrozooid is enclosed within a cap-like perisarc which is called the

a. Hydrorhiza b. Hydranth c. Hydrotheca d. Hydrocaulus

31.Marginal sense organs of medusa in Obelia are called

a. Statocysts b. Tentalculocysts c. Statoliths d. Lithocyte

32.Ba1ance essential for co-ordination of swimming in medusa is aided by

a. Statocyst b. Tentacles c. Velum d. Lamella

33.The Hydrocaulus in Obelia is a hollow diploblastic tribe known as

a. Coenosarc b. Perisarc c. Gonotheca d. Hydrotheca

34.The inwardly projecting shelf which narrows the opening of the sub-umbrella is called the

........ in medusa of obelia.

a Velarium b. Velum c. Manubrium d. Lamella

35.The nutritive zooid of Obelia colony is the

a. Penumatophore b. Blastostyle c. Gonangium d. Hydranth

36.Medusae of Obelia are

a. Monaecious b. Dioecious c. Asexua1 d. None of the above

37.The float which carries the polymorphic zooids in Physalia is called

a. Coenosarc b. Pneumatophore c. Dactylozoid d. Umbrella

38.The larva of the Obe Man medusa i s ca 1 1 ed the -

a. Scyphula b. Moru1a c. Planula d. None of the above

39. Hydrorhiza is the ....... of Obelia.

a. Horizontal stem b. Vertical branch c. A feeding zooid d. None of the above

40. ...... is an example of a Coelenterate which is a polymorphic floating colony.

a. Hydra b. Obelia c. Sea-anemone d. Physalia

41. The cylindrical perisarc covering and enclosing the blastostylc is called the

a. Hydrotheca b. Gonotheca c. Goenosarc d. Hyrostome

42. Cnidocil is a

a. Protoplasmic hair like extension of the cnidoblast

b. The long thread of the nematocyst

c. Both ‘a’ and ‘b’ d. Neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’

43. Unlike in Aurelia the gonads of Obelia, medusa, are derivatives of

a. Ectoderm b. Endoderm c. Both ‘a’ and ‘b’ d. Neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’

44. As the pneumatophore of Physalia resembles the ancient warships, the animal is commonly

known as

a. Portuguese man of war b. Polyperson c. Abductor d. Sea flower

45.Pick out the correct statement.

a. Obelia is a marine, colonial, solitary sedentary Coelenterate

b. Obelia is a.marine, colonial, sedentary Coelenterate

c. Obelia is a fresh water, colonial sedentary Coelenterate

d. Obelia is a marine Colonial, Sedentary Coelenterate

46. Medusae are

a. Umbrella shaped zooids formed from blastostyle through budding

b. Free swimming zooids c. Sexually reproducing zooids d. All the above

47. Conads of Aurelia and sea anemone are derived from

a. Ectoderm b. Endoderm c. ‘a’and ‘b’ d. Mesoderm

48. Velarium is the marginal structure of

a. Obelia Medusa b. Sea anemone c. Aurelia d. Hydra

49. The balancing sense organ in Aurelia is termed as

a. Statocyst b. Tentaculocyst c. Statolith d. Float

50. Sea-anemone is a ..... Coelenterate.

a. Marine, polypoid, Solitary sedentary
b. Fresh water, polypoid, solitary sedentary

c. Marine, medusoid, solitary d. Fresh water, medusoid,


1. d 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. d 6. c 7. d 8. d 9. b 10. c

11. c 12. a 13. d
14. d 15. b 16. a 17. a 18. a 19. c 20. b

21. b 22. a 23. d 24. d 25. a 26. d
27. d 28. d 29. c 30. c

31. a 32. a 33. a 34. b 35. d 36. b 37. b 38. c 39. a 40. d

41. b 42. a 43. a 44. a 45. d 46. d 47. b 48. c 49. b 50. a

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medical entrance