medical entrance questions

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

24. Match the following
1. Emerson and Arnold - a. presence of H2O in photosynthesis
2. De Saussure - b. Green plants convert Solar energy into chemical energy
3. Stephen Hales - c. Gaseous exchange during photosynthesis
4. Joseph Priestly - d. Light and Dark reaction
5. VonMayer - e. Father of Physiology
a. l-d,2-a,3-e,4-c,5-b b. l-b,2-a,3-d,4-c,5-e c. l-d,2-c,3-e,4-a,5-b d. l-d,2-a,3-c,4-e,5-b e. l-c,2-b,3-a,4-e,5-d
25. When xylem is surrounded by phloem on all sides, the vascular bundle is
a. Amphivassal b. Amphiacribral c. Leptocentric d. Amphiphloic e. Bicollateral
26. The net gain of ATP molecules in anaerobic respiration is a. 2 b. 6 c. 4 d. 8 e. 0
27. Cork cambium is
a. Lateral meristem b. Promeristem c. Intercalary meristem d. Apical meristem e. None
28. Manila hemp is obtained from
a. Sanseveria roxburghiana b. Cannabis sativa c. Crotalariajuncea d. Musa textiles e. None
29. Heterologous DNA is
a. Single stranded DNA b. Recombinant DNA c. Z-DNA d. B-DNA e. None
30. Absorption spectrum of photosynthesis is maximum in
a. Red & Green b. Green & Violet c. Red & Violet d. Blue & Red e. None of these
31. The plant hormone discovered in human urine is
a. Ethylene b. Gibberellin c. Kinctin d. ABA e. Auxin
32. Chlorophyll b is absent in
a. Chlorophyceae b. Rhodophyceae. c. Gymnosperms d. Angiosperms e. None of these
33. If original DNA is CATCATCATCAT and insertion of A in the beginning the New code will be
d. No code reading possible e. None of these
34. Enzymes are absent in a. Angiosperms b. Fungi c. Spirogyra d. Virus e. Bacteria
35. Plasmolysis in plant cell occurs in
a. Hypotonic solution b. feotonic solution c. Hypeitonic solution d. Distilled water e. None of these
36. The coconut water is
a. Liquid mesocarp b. Liquid endosperm c. Cell sap liquid d. Mineral liquid e. Noneofthpse
37. Wilting of plants occurs when a. Phloem is blocked b. Xylem is blocked
c. Both xylem and phloem are blocked d. A few old roots are removed e. None of these
38. Match the following
1. Stone cells a. Xylem
2. Rod cells b. Petioles of hydrophytes
3. Idioblast c. Coconut shell
4. Wood fibre d. Epidermis of pea
5. Bast fibre e. Crotolariajuncea
f. Root tuber
a. l-c,2-a,3-b,4-e,5-d b. l-c,2-d,3-a,4-b,5-e c. l-a,2-b,3-e,4-d,5-f
d. l-d,2-c,3-b,4-a,5-f e. l-c,2-d,3-b,4-a,5-e
39. Compound sieve plate is present in a. Cucurbita b. Pisum c. Vitis d. Marsilia e. None
40. XXXY type of cyhromosomal abnormality is known as
a. Down syndrome b. Klinefelters syndrome c. Patau’s syndrome d. Edward syndrome e. None
41. ‘Kranz’ anatomy is a. Presence of chloroplast with stroma in the bundle sheath
b. Presence of chloroplast with grana in the mesophyll cells
c. Presence of chloroplast without grana and stroma
d. Presence of grana in the bundle sheath chloroplast e. None of these
42. Acid rain is due to
a. Sulphur dioxide pollution b. Carbon monoxide pollution c. Pesticide pollution d. Dust particles e. None
43. In a plant body water moves from a. Lower water potential to higher water potential
b. Higher DPD to lower DPD c. Higher negative water potential to lower negative water potential
d. Lower negative water potential to higher negative water potential e. None of these

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medical entrance