41. RNA Polymerase which is on the promoter, moves to the structural genes to transcribe them . However , it
happens when A. there is no repressor on the operator B. There is repressor on the operator
C. inducer binds to structural genes D. RNA Polymerase shifts first to regulator gene
E. regulator gene induces promoter
42. Some genes are constantly expressed in bacterial cells. These genes are called
A. link genes B. Jumping genes C. Constitutive genes D. Active genes E. Integrated genes
43. A restriction enzyme called EcoRI from E. Coli is expected to cleavee DNA at the following sequence.
44. Formation of most of the amino acids as well as adenine and other nucleic acid bases from inorganic
molecules was experimentally shown by A. H.C.Urey and S, Miller B. A.I. Oparin and
J.B.S.Hadaene C. Hugo De Vries D. Spallanzani and L.Pasteur E. R.Koch
45. The organs which look different but have the same basic structure and origin are known as
A. Analogous B. Heterologous C. Vestgial
D. Differential E. Homologous
46. On the promitive earth. polymers such as proteins and nuclic acids in aqueous suspension formed the sperical
aggregates . These are called A. Primitosomes B. Liposomes C. Primitogenes D. Coacervates E. Proto- nucleosomes
47. The Jurassic period belongs to the era
A. Cenozoic B. Mesozoic C. Paleozoic
D. Proterozoic E. Archeozoic
48. "The genetic variation s appearing among the members of a population bring about the evolution " This
statement defines:
A. Neo-Darwinism B. Darwinism C. Lamarckism
D. Mutation theory E. theory of vitality
49. Name the antibiotic used in the Lederberg’s replica plating experiment .
A. Erithromycin B. Steptomycin C. Pencillin D. Neomycin E. Tetracycline
50. Allopatric speciation occurs when A. Genetically related populations inhabit widely seperated geographical
area B. Genetically unrelated populations in habit widely seperated geographical area C. Geneticaly
related populations inhabit the same geographical area D. Genetically un- related populations inhabit
the same geographical area E. Genetically mixed populations inhabit the geographical area
51. Which of the following is an example of zoonosis disease of animals that is transmited to man ?
A. Trachoma B. Leprosy C. Diphtheria D. Measles E. Rabies
52. Carcinoma is a cancer of A. Connective tissue B. White blood cells C. Lymphocytes
D. Ectoderm and Endoderm E. Erythrocytes
53. Identify from the following a nitrogen fixing bacteerium which forms a loose association with roots of certain
grasses and maize. A. Anabaena azollae B. Azospirillum lipofermum C. Bacillus polymyxa
D. Clostridium E. Klebsiella
54. AIDS is caused by A. Varicella virus B. Rubeola virus C. Human immunodeficiency virus
D. Cory nebacterium diphtheriae E. Treponemapalladium
55. The treatement of cancer with X-ray or gama -rays is called A. Radiation therapy B. Surgery
C. Chemotherapy D. Hormone therapy E. Immunotherapy
56. The person with Turner’s syndrome has
A. 44autosomes and XXY sex chromosome B. 44 autosomes and XO sex chromosomes
C. 44autosomes and XYY sex chromosomes D. 44 autosomes and XXX sex chromosomes
E. 44 autosomes and YO sex chromosomes
57. Human population grows in geometrical progression where as the quantity of food materials increases in
arithmetic proportion . This was suggested by A. Charles Darwin B. Wlliam Bateson
C. Amartya Sen D. Thomas Robert Malthus E. M.S.Swaminathan
58. The arrangement of atoms and molecular groups in the large molecules such as DNA and RNA can be
studied using
A. Centrifugation B. Spectrophotometer C. X- ray diffraction D. Electronmicroscope
E. Histochemistry
medical entrance questions
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