medical entrance questions

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Specious and population Environmental factors Ecosystem
1. Which one is the famous ecologist in India
a. M.S. Swaminathan b. M.G.K. Menon c. R.P. Mishra d. J.C. Bose e. Birbal Sahni
2. Animal found in herds is- a. Swan b. Mice c. Deer d. Parri e. Dog
3. Synecology in the study of
a. Human environment b. Biotic environment c. Abiotic component
d. Biotic community e. Specious and environment
4. The term ecology was coined by: a. Odum b. Hackel c. Hooker d. Lorenz e. Eugenies
5. Sudy of inter-relationship between organism and environment is
a. Ecology b. Ethology c. Ecosystem d. Phytogeography e. Eugenics
6. Hinny is derived from : a. Male donkey and mare b. Stallin and Female donkey
c. Lion and tigress d. Tiger and Lioness e. Male donkey and female zebra
7. Worker termites are
a. Larva b. Adolesent c. Adult male d. Adult female e. Sterile female
8. Physalia shows
a. Dimorphism b. Mimierry c. Metanerism d. Trimerism e. Polymorphism
9. Species ecology is
a. Synecology b. Anecology c. Paleocology d. Ammunity ecology e. Ethology
10. Competition between individuals of a population is
a. Intraspeerfic b. Interspecific c. Intergeneric d. Local e. Aggressive
11. Pedology is the study of
a. Rocks b. Locomoties is animals c. Crop diseases d. Soil e. Animal feet
12. Myrmecophily is found in
a. Acacia b. Zizyphus c. Pisum d. Coconut d. Duranta
13. Vivipary is charactoristic of
a. Mesophyter b. Halophytes c. Xe phytes d. Hydrophytes e. Parasites
14. Plant growing well in full sunlight are
a. Sciophytes b. Hydrophytes c. Xi phytes d. Heliophytes e. Halophytes
15. All giving organism on or around the earth constitute
a. Population b. Community c. Ecosystem d. Bioshphere e. Eiome
16. Whcidh biome is treeless
a. Tundra b. Temperat c. Tropical d. Savannah e. Disert
17. Organisms living at the bottom of a lake are called
a. Benthons b. Nektons c. Zooplankton d. Phyloplankton e. Littorals
18. Which one is an edaphic facto
a. Wind b. Soil c. Light d. Rainfall e. Microorganism
19. Nepenthes is-
a. Primary produces b. Consumer c. Decomposer
d. Primary producer and consumer e. Secondary consumer
20. The driving force or ecosystem is
a. Biomass b. Produces c. Solar energy d. Carbohydrate e. Soil
21. Ecosystem creator
a. Food chain b. Food web c. Both a and b d. Non of the above e. Population
22. Which is the most stable ecosystem
a. Mountain b. Ocean c. Desert d. Rain e. Lake
23. The importance of ecosystem lies in
a. Producers b. Flow of energy c. Cyeling or materials d. Both b and c e. None of these
24. On barren socks, pioneers of xerosere succession are
a. Algae b. Furgi c. Lichin d. Moss e. Bacteria
25. Which of the following term can b related to Homo sapiens
a. Herbivory b. Carnivore c. Autotroph d. Trugivore e. Omnbivore
26. The amount of living matter present in an ecosystem at a given time is called
a. Standing crop b. Productivity c. Biomass d. Energy flow e. Introphication
27. In food chain the largest population is that of
a. Producers b. consumers c. Decomposes d. Seavergers e. Teritiary consumers
28. Which are is natures cleaners
a. Producers b. Decomphosers c. Consumers d. Carnivores e. Omnivores
29. The term ecosystem was coined by; a. Tansley b. Reiten c. Haeckel d. Watson e. Odum
30. The concept of ecological pyramid was developed by
a. Iarwin b. Reita c. Elton d. Odum 3. Hacekel.

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medical entrance