medical entrance questions

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

71. Teethless beak is found in
a. Lizards b. Reptiles c. Birds d. Archeopteryx
72. Peripatus is a connecting link between Annelida. and Arthropoda, it belongs to
a. Anelida b. Onychophora c. Mollusca d.None
73. Choanocytes are characteristic of
a. Jellyfishes b. sponges c. Platyhelminthes d. All
74. Petromyzon is
a. Anadromous b. Catadromous c. Nodromous d. None
75. Notochord develops from
a. Ectoderm b . Endoderm c. Chordamesoderm d. None
76. Larva of Balanoglossus is
a. Bipinnaria b. Tornaria c. Auricularia d. Trochophore
77. Ascidian shows
a. Neoteny b. Paedogenesis c. Retrogressive metamorphosis d. All the above
78. Heart pumps only impure blood in
a. Shark b. man c. Kiwi d. Salamandar
79. Limbless ambhibians included under
a. Gymnophiona b. Urodela c. Anura. d.Procoela
80. Golden age of reptiles is
a. Mesosoic b. Paleosoic c. Cretaceous d. Miocene
81. Largest flight muscle
a. Pectoralis major b. Pectoralis minor c. coracobrachialis d. None
82. Flightless birds are
a. Carinata b. Ratitae c. Both d. None
83. Smallest bone in Mammal is
a. Patella b. Stapes c. Atlas d. None
84. One of the following is an egglaying mammal
a. Spiny anteater b. Hedgehog c. Porcupine d. All
85. Pernecious malaria
a. Vivax malaria b. Rilapse malaria c. tertian malaria d. Malignant malaria
86. Bipinnaria is the larva of
a. Pila b. Lamellidans c. Sepia d. Starfish
87. A viviparous snake is
a. Cobra b. Krait c. Viper d. Rat snake
88. Biogenetic law is proposed by
a. Huxley b. Haeckel c. Devries d. Lamarck
89. Which of the following is an initiation codon
a. UAA b. UAG c. AUG d. UGA
90. Eco R1 can specifically cleave DNA sequence at
91. AIDS is caused by
a. Rubeola virus b. Treponema c. Human immunodeficiency virus d. None
92. The tusks of elephant are modified form of
a. Canine b. Molar c. Incisors d. premolar
93. The energy currency of a cell is
a. AMP b. ADP c. ATP d. GTP
94. Squamous epithelium forms the inner lining of
a. Heart b. Lung alveoli c. Kidney d. Salivary duct
95. Cobalt containing vitamine is
a. B2 b. B1 c. B6 d. B12
96. Which of the following represent the central dogma in molecular Biology
a. DNA —> RNA —> Protein b. RNA —> Protein —> DNA
c. RNA—> DNA —> Protein d. DNA —> Protein —> RNA

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medical entrance