medical entrance questions

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Animal Reproduction

1. Menstruation occurs about 14 days before the onset of the next menstruation. It lasts about

1. 2-4 days 2. 5-10 days 3. 1 day 4. 15 days

2. When pregnancy fails to occur corpus luteum is replaced by

1. Corpus albicans 2. Theca externa 3. New follicle 4. theca interna

3. The phase during which repairing of endometrial lining of the uterus takes place and the

functional lining reappears to receive the fertilized egg is called

1.Secretory phase 2. Destructive phase 3. Ovulatory phase

4. Proliferative phase

4. The development of secondary sexual character in woman in controlled by

1. Oestrogen 2. Oxytocin 3. Testosterone 4. Progesterone

5. Regrowth of endometrium in the uterus occurs due to the secretion of

1. Oestrogen 2. Progesterone 3. FSH 4. ICSH

6. In woman cessation of menstruation occurs at the age of

1. 12--14 years 2. 45--55 years 3. 60 years 4. Does not occur at all

7. Hysterectomy is surgical removal of

1. Vagina 2. Oviduct 3. Uterus 4. Ovary

8. Oral contraceptives affect

1. Ovulation 2. Fertilization 3. Implantation 4. Entry of sperms into vagina

9. The menstrual cycle begins with the casting off of

1. Placents 2. blood 3. endometrial lining along with blood vessels 4. all the three

10. Menstrual cycle is controlled by

1. Oestrogen 2. Progesterone 3. both (1) & (2) 4. (1) , (2) and relaxin

11. Menstrual cycle is observed in

1. artiodactyla 2 . cetacea 3. rodents 4 . primates

12. Clitoris in female mammals is

1. homologous to penis of male 2. analogous to penis of male 3. vestigial structure

4. overgrowth

13. Copulation is limited to certain period in the sexual cycle in

1. all mammals 2. primates 3. man 4. all remale mammals except primates

14. The removal of ovary from human female is

1. tubectomy 2. ovarectomy 3. castration 4. vasectomy

15. Abnormal condition when the mammary glands of man become female like is called

1. Feminization 2. Gonochorism 3. Gynacomastism 4. Gynoecism

16. Human ovary is connected to the uterus by the

1. Rounded ligament 2. Proper ligament 3. Infundibulum 4. Gynoecism

17. Which of these are never present in frog’s ovary?

1. Ovarian follicles 2. Oogonia 3. Germinal epithelium 4. Corporus luteum.

18. Mammary glands are modified

1. Oil glands 2. Sweat glands 3. Cowper’s glands 4. Mucous glands

19. Mesovarium is associated with

1. Oviduct 2. Ovary 3. Uterus 4. Vagina

20. In a pregnant woman having prolonged labour pains, if the child birth has to be hastened , it

is advisable to administer a hormone that can

1. Activate the smooth muscles 2. Increase the metabolic rate

3. Release glucose into the blood 4. Stimulate the ovary

21. Graafian follicles formed from

1. Germinal epithelium of ovaries 2. Stroma of ovaries 3. Both of the above

4 . none of the above

22. Breast develops from

1. Ectoderm 2. Mesoderm 3. Ectoderm &Mesoderm 4. Endoderm

23. Oestrous cycle is observed in

1. Primates 2. Dog 3. Cow 4. Both (2) and (3)

24. When released from ovary, human egg contains.

1. One Y chromosome 2. Two X chromosome 3. One X chromosome

4.XY chromosome

25. Human milk differs from cow’s milk in that it contains a

1. Higher percentage of fat 2. Higher percentage of carbohydrate

3. Lower percentage of protein 4. 2 and 3

1. (1) 2. (1) 3. (4) 4. (1) 5. (1) 6. (2) 7. (3) 8. (1) 9. (3) 10. (3)

11. (4) 12. (1) 13. (4) 14. (2) 15. (3) 16. (2) 17. (4) 18. (2) 19. (2) 20. (1)

21. (1) 22. (3) 23. (4) 24. (3) 25. (4)

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medical entrance