medical entrance questions

Monday, June 30, 2008


Zoology -Phylum- Protozoa

1. Reproduction in Paramecium is controlled by

a. Macronucleus b. Micronucleus c. Both d. None

2. Kala Azar is caused by

a. Leishmania donowani b. Leishmania tropica c.Trypanosome gambiense

d.Tiypanosome cruzi

3. Incubation period of Plasmodium is

a. 14 days b. 10 days c. 6 days d. 8 days

4. Cyclosis present in

a. Amoeba b. Euglena c. Plasmodium d. Paramecium

5. One of the following is caused by Protozoans

a. Malaria b.Typhoid c. Tetanus d. Yellow fever

6. Schuffener’s granules are found in life cycle of Plasmodium in

a. R.B.C. of man b. Liver cells of man c. Gamete formation in mosquito

d. All the above

7. Entamoeba differs from Amoeba in

a. Mode of Reproduction b. Absence offoodvacuole c. Absence of contractile vacuole

d. None

8. Which of the following is locomotory organ of class sporozoa

a. Pseudopodia b. Cilia c. Flagella d. None of the above

9. Life cycle of plasmodium is

a. Monogenetic b. Digenetic c. Trigenetic d. Polygenetic

10. Amoebiasis is transmitted by

a. Contaminated food & water b. Insects bite c. Excreta of Birds

d. Contaminated Air

11. Schizogony in Plasmodium takes place in

a. R.B.C. of man b. Lumen of stomach of mosquito c. Liver of Man

d. Liver of R. B.C. of Man

12. What are cryptomerozoites of plasmodium:

a. Product of schizogony in Liver b. Product of sporogony in mosquitos

c. Product of erythrocytic cycle d. None of the above

13. Phylum protozoa is divided on the basis of

a. Mode of Nutrition b. Locomotory organelles c. Mode of reproduction d. None

14. Which is a phototrophic flagellate:

a. Entamoeba b. Paramaecium c. Euglena d. Vorticella

15. Trypanosoma gambiens is found parasite on human body in

a. Blood b. Bone marrow c. Cerebro spinal fluid d. Blood &Cerebro spinal fluid

16. Zygote of which one is motile?

a. Hydra b. Plasmodium c. Ascaris d. Pheretima

17. The infection stage of malarial parasite for human is

a. Sporozoite b. Leishmania c. Trypanosoma d. Plasmodium

18. Malaria is an “Insect borne disease”, was established by.

a. Laveran b. Golgi d. Sir Ronald Ross d. Grassi

19. Reduction division of gametocytes in Plasmodium takes place:

a. In the blood of man b. In the stomach of mosquito c. In the haemocoel of mosquito

d. None

20. Mosquito fish is:

a. Labeo b. Scoliodon c. Anabas d. Gambusia

21. The oocysts in the life of Plasmodium are found in:

a. Stomach wall of female Anopheles b. Salivary glands of female Anopheles

c. Erythrocytes of man d. Liver of man

22. Gametocytes of Plasmodium are formed in:

a. Liver of man b. Blood of man c. R.B.C. of man d. Stomach of female mosquito

23. In life cycle of malarial parasite, the sporozoites are stores in

a. Liver of man b. Blood of man

c. Stomach of female Anopheles d. Salivary glands of female Anopheles

24. Sol & Gel theory was advocated by

a. Dobell b. Hyman c. Dellinger d. Mast & Pantin

25. Osmoregulation in Amoeba is done by:

a. Contractile vacuole b. Lobopodia c. Pseudopodia d. Nucleus

26. Who discovered Plasmodium?

a. Laveran b. Ronald Ross c. Weldayer d. Mendel

27. “Sleeping sickness” is due to the bite of:

a. Sand fly b. Tse-Tse Fly c. Bed Bug d. White fly

28. Malignant tertian malaria is caused by:

a. Plasmodium viv ax b. Plasmodium falciparum c. Plasmodium ovale

d. Plasmodium malaria

29. Entamoeba gingivalis is:

a. Parasite in intestine of man b. Parasite on Liver of man

c. Parasite in buccal cavity of man d. Parasite in stomach of frog

30. Which .protozoan resembles the ancestral form from which the plants and animals evolved:

a. Amoeba b. Paramecium c. Euglena d. Plasmodium

31. During binary fission Amoeba divides by:

a. Amitotis b. Mitotis c. Meiosis d. None

32. The term NMEP stands for:

a. National Malaria Elimination process b. National Malaria Elimination Programme

c. National Mosquito Eradication Programme d. National Malaria Eradication Programme

33. Ex flagellation takes place in life cycle of Plasmodium in;

a. Man b. Mosquito c. Both d. None

34. One of the loll owing is Protozoan.

a. Leishmania b. Paraniecium c. Amoeba d. All

35. Noctiluca belongs to class:

a. Rhizopoda b. Sporozoa c. Mastigophora d. Ciliata

36. Multinucleated protozoan is:

a. Amoeba b. Plasmodium c. Opalina d. All

37. Paramecium with Kappa-particles are:

a. Killer species b. Sensitive species c. Both d. None

38. One of the following is without contractile vacuole:

a. Entamoeba b. Trypanosome c. leishmania d. All

39. Sexual reproduction is not found:

a. Paramecium b. Plasmodium c. Trypanosome d. All the above

40. Signet ring stage is found in Plasmodium:

a. R.B.C. cycle b. Livercycle c. Mosquito d. None of the above


1. b 2. a 3. a 4. d 5. a 6. a 7. c 8. d 9. b 10. a

11. d 12. a 13. b 14. c 15. d 16. b 17. a 18. c 19. b 20. d

21. a 22. c 23. d 24. d 25. a 26. a 27. b 28. b 29. c 30. c

31. b 32. d 33. b 34. d 35. c 36. c 37. a 38. d 39. c 40. a


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Virupakshi Reddy said...

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medical entrance