medical entrance questions

Wednesday, June 25, 2008



1. The First step in taxonomy is

a. Identification b. Nomenclature c.Classification d. Description

2. “ Taxonomy without phylogeny may be linked to bones without flesh” is a statement

supported by

a. Oswald Tippo b. Takhtajan c. Hutchinson d. Bentham & Hooker

3. An artificial system of classification was given by

a. Linnaeus b. Darwin c. Lamarck d. Hutchinson

4. Four kingdom system of classification was given by

a. Haeckel b. Linnaeus c. Copeland d. Whittaker

5. Biological concept of species of Meyer is mainly based on

a. Morphological features only b. Methods of reproduction only

c. Morphology and reproduction both d. Reproductive isolation

6. Taxon is
a. Short term for taxonomy b. A term for new systematics

c. A classificatory unit of any rank d. A compendium of international rules of nomenclature

7. Artificial system is based on

a. One or two characters b. Few characters c. Several characters

d. Synthetic characters

8. More number of common characters are observed in members of a

a. Family b. Species c. Genus d. Kingdom

9. Criteria employed for modern classification of organisms are based pm

a. Resemblances in external features b. Anatomical and physiological traits

c. Ecological adaptations d. Breeding habits

10. In binomial nomenclature, every organism has

a. Two names, one Latin and other common

b. Two names, both scientific and other vernacular

c. Two names, both scientific

d. One name with two words-a generic and a specific

11. A group of similar organisms which are capable of interbreeding to form fertile off spring is

a. Species b. Genes c. Tribe d. Family

12. Phylogenetic classification is based on

a. Common evolutionary descent b. Habits of plants c. Utilitarian system

d. Similarities

13. Which the term may be substituted for any of the others?

a. Order b. Class c. Species d. Taxon

14. Which is described and not listed?
a. Vegetation b. Flora c. Fauna d. Biome

15. Binomial epithet is

a. Genus + species b. Genus c. Genus + species + Author name

d. Genus + Species + Family

16. Term new systematics was coined by

a. Huxley b. Darwin c. Lamarck d. Linnaeus

17. Which of the following taxonomic categories contains organisms least similar to one another?

a. Genus b. Family c. Class d. Species

18. A binomial nomenclature has

a. 2 names b. One name c. 2 terms d. 2 taxons

19. What are mule, Tigon, Liger, Hinny?

a. Species b. Sub species c. Hybrids d. Categories

20. Which one of the following taxonomic categories tops the Linnean hierarchy?

a. Genus b. Species c. Order d. Class

21. Two kingdom system of classification was proposed by

a. Linnaeus b. Pliny the elder c. Leeuwenhoek d. Aristotle

22. Three kingdom system of classification was proposed by

a. Haeckel b. Linnaeus c. Stanier d. Copeland

23. In two kingdom system of classification prokaryotes were placed in

a. Plantae b. Animalia c. Protista d. Monera

24. Littoral forms are

a. Marine b. Sedentary c. Marine but close to sea bed

d. Handing from water surface

25. The basic unit of evolution and ecology is

a. Category b. Subspecies c. Tribe d. Population


1. a 2. b 3. a 4.c 5. d 6. c 7. a 8. b 9. b 10. d

11. a 12. a 13. d 14. a 15. c 16. a 17. c 18. b 19. c 20. d

21. a 22. a 23. a 24. c 25. d

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medical entrance