I .Green glands are observed in-
a. Crustaceans b. lnsecta c. Arachinida d. Onychophora.
2. Association between Sacculina and crab is-
a.Commensalism b.Parasitism c. Symbiosis d. Predation
3. Petasma is observed in-
a. Male prawn b. Female prawn c.Male crab d. Female cockroach
4. Larval forms of mosquitoes are called -
a. Caterpillars b. Maggots c. Wrigglers d. Grubs.
5 .Which of the following is coconut caterpillar?
a..Oryctes b. Nephanthis c. Leptocoryza d. Pentalonia
6. Wiesmann’s ring is found in-
a. House fly b. Butterfly c.Cockroach d.Grass hopper
7. Neurohaemal organ in Insects are- .
a.Corpus Cardiacum b. Corpus Allatum c. Prothoracic glands d.Wiesmann’s ring.
8. Tryehanympha is associated with
a .Termits b. Ants c.Tetrapoda d. Silkworms.
9.Cyclomorphosis is exhibited by-
a. Sacculina b. Paramecium c.Daphnia d. Artimia.
10. Royal jelly is produced by a. Queen b. Drones c. Workers d. All
11. Walking worms come under the group-
a. Polychaeta b.Odonata c. Onychophra d. Myriapoda.
12. Nymphs are not found in-
a. Periplaneta b. Locusia c. Leptocoriza d. Musca
13. Malathion is a kind of-
a. Chlorinated hydrocarbon b. Organophosphate c.CFC d. Biopesticede
14. sex combs are found in- a. Butterfly b. Fruitfly c.Mosquito d. Dagonfly.
15. Juvenile hormone is produced by-
a. Prothoracic gland b.Corpus Cardiacum c. Corpus Allatum d Brain.
16. Which of the following are a detrivore animal?
a. Centipede b. Moths c. Millipede d. Caterpillar
17. Wiiich of the following are not an Arthropod Class?
a. Oligocheata b.Onychophora c. Insecta d. Arachnida
18. Drones of honeybees differ from females in having-
a. Petasma b. Thelycum c. Sex comb d. Haploidy
19. Respiratoiy organs in Arachnid are-
a.Ctenidia b. Book lungs c. Trachea d. Dermal bronchia
22.Arthropode that shows cannibalism and viviparity-
a. Spider b. Beetles c. Scorpion d. Centepede.
23.Pheromone is the substance used for-
a. Sex attraction b. Alarming c.Trailing d. All
24. Blood pigments of Drosophila are-
a. Haemoglobin b. Haemocyanin c. Chlorocrunin d. None
25. Limulus comeunder the order
a. Crustacea b. Arachnida c. Onychophora d. kMyriapoda
1.a 2.b 3.a 4.c 5.b 6.a 7.a 8.a 9.c 10.c 11.c 12.d 13.b 14.b 15.c 16.c 17.a 18.d 19.b 20.c 21.c 22.c 23.d 24.d 25.b
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