1. Ambergris used for perfumes is a. A fat deposit found beneath the skin of Whales and Dolphins
b. A stone like material formed of the intestinal secreting of sperm whales c. Both ‘a’ and ‘b’ d. Neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’
2. The zoological term for flying fox is a. Galeopithicus b. Pteropus media c. Papio d. Simia
3. The common name for Corvus splendens is a. King fisher b. Pigeon c. Crow d. Parrot
4. Matatherian mammals are commonly called
a. Pouched mammals b. Egg laying mammals c. Placental mammals d. None of these
5. The term cleidoic egg’ refers to a. Egg without protective membranes b. Egg without yolk
c. Egg enclosed within protective shell isolating it from its surroundings d. All the above
6. The quill feathers occuring on the wings are called the
a. Rectrices b. Remiges c. Coverts d. Contours
7. Echidna and Platypus are included under the group a. Prototheria b.Metatheria c.Eutheria d. Theria
8. The sternum of a flying bird is with
a. No keel b. Reduced keel c. Well developed keel d. None of these
9. Point out the correct statement. In Mammals . a. The heart is tetralocular
b. The RBC is non nucleated and round c. Have only the left aortic arch d. All the above
10. The steering, breaking and raising mechanism are all in one organ of bird. Which is it ?
a. Wing feathers b. Tail feathers c. Legs d. Streamlined body
11. Pick out the wrong statement. a. Ostrich belongs to super order Ratitae
b. Pigeon belongs to super order carinatae c. Ratitas are flightless birds and Carinates are flying birds
d. Carinates are flightless birds and ratites are flying birds
12. The one flightless bird found in Newzealand is a. Kiwi b. Eagle c. Rhea d. Ostrich
13. Which of the following is a fossil bird? a. Ostrich b. Penguin c. Pelican d. Archeopt eryx.
14. The urinary bladder is absent in a. Frog b. Lizzard c. Pigeon d. Rabbit
15. Echo orientation in Bats is aided by the a. Foliaceous appendages around the nostrils
b. Large and thin pinna c. Patagium d. All the above
16. The average body temperature of bird is a. Higher than that of other animals
b. Lower than that of other animals c. Similar to that of mammals d. Variable according to environmental temperature
17. Select the mammal which has T shaped interciavicle in pectoral girdle
a. Echidna b. Rabbit c. Rat d. Elephant
18. In mammals the dentition is commonly
a. Heterodont b. Diphyodont c. Thecodont d. All the above
19. The heart is tetralocular in a. Lizzard b. Calotes c. Pigeon d. All the above
20. The foetus in mammals receives blood from the mother through a structure called
a. Placenta b. Allantois c. Chorion d. Yolk sac
21. Struthio camelus is the scientific name of a. Ostrich b. Eagle c. Crow d. Emu
22. Opossums, Wallables and Wombats are all examples of
a. Monotremata b. Marsupalia c. Eutheria d. None of these
23. .... are frugivorous flying mammals. a. Cypsilurus b. Draco c. Pteropus d. Bradypus
24. Crow is a .... bird a. Carnivorous b. Herbivorous c. Frugivorous d. Omnivorous
25. Which one of the following shows hyperdactyly and hyperphalangy? a. Whale b. Bat c. Man d. Horse
26. Pteropus is mainly a. Carnivorous b. Frugivorous c. Blood suckers d. Herbivorous
27. Pick out the correct statement. a. Sperm whale is the largest whale
b. Porpoises and Dolphins are small toothed whales c. Baleen whales have no teeth d. All the above
28. In aquatic mammals oxygen is stored with the help of a. Blubber contained under the skin b. Very large lungs
c. Network of blood capillaries found in various parts of the body d. All the above
29. The pouch of a Kangaroo in which the yough one develops is called the
a. Uterus b. Yolk sac c. Marsupium d. Ovi sac
30. The term ‘diastema’ refers to a. Incisor of upper jaw b. Incisors of the lower jaw
c. Gap between incisor and premolars of rabbit d. Prominent canines of carnivores
31. Stunted thumb armed with claw separated from patagium, strong pectoral girdle and a weak peivic girdle, slender and delicate hindlimbs with backwardly turned knees are all characteristics of a
a. Flying lizzard b. Bats c. Flying lemurs d. Flying Squirrle
32. In aquatic mammals, the loss of heat is prevented by the present beneath the skin
a. Air spaces c. Ambergris b. Blubber d. Blood vessels
33. Pigeons belong to the order a. Columbiformes b. Falconiformes c. Cere d. Cuculiformes
34. Baleen whales are a. Fish feeders b. Plankton feeders c. Herbivorous d. Carniverous
35. The skiny membraneous wing of the bat is known as the
a. Manubrium c. Patagium b. Phalangium d. Uropygium
36. Vampire bats of the tropical forests of America are
a. Insectivorous b. Frugivorous c. Predaceous d. Blood feeders
37. Point out the wrong statement. a. Ostriches are distributed in Africa and Arabia
b. Rhea are found in South America c. Emus are found in Australia d. Kiwis are found in Africa
38. Pick out the wrong statement. a. Tail quills are absent in Ratitae b. Ratitae are precocious
c. Carinatae are mostly altricious d. Ratitae are altricious
39. A rabbit can be described as
a. Eutherian b. Placental mammal c. True mammal d. All the above
40. The bones of the skull of aquatic mammals are
a. Solid b. Flattened and thin c.Thin and spongy d. Tubular
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