medical entrance questions

Sunday, May 25, 2008

1 The process of removal of waste nitrogenous product is :
(a) Defaecation (b) Excretion (c) Egestion (c) Assimilation
2 Glomerular filtrate does not normally contain. (a) Glucose (b) Sodium chloride (c) Amino acids (d) Albumin
3 The structural and functional unit of kidney is :
(a) Ureter (b) Nephron (c) Nephridia (d) Seminiferous tubules
4 A malpighian body has : (a) Glomerulus (b) Bowman’s capsule (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
5 Ultrafiltration occurs in: (a) Bowman’s capsule (b) Henle’s loop
(c) Proximal convoluted tubule (d) Distal convoluted tubule
6 The number of nephrons in a kidney of man is: (a) 4 million (b) 2 million (c) 8 million (d) 1 million
7 Special excretory organ is lacking in: (a) Earthworm (b) Amoeba (c) Man (d) Insect
8 Which are the enteronephric nephridia ?
(a) Septal nephridia (b) Pharyngeal nephridia (c) Integumentary nephridia (d) Both (a) and (b)
9 Man is: (a) Uricotelic (b) Ureotelic (c) Ammonotelic (d) None of these
10 Which is not excretory organ ? (a) Skin (b) Kidney (c) Liver (d) Pancreas
Fill in the Blanks
11 The cup shaped capsule of the nephron is called .......... 12 The kidney is made up of functional units know as.......
13 The process of passing out urine in man is called ............... 14 In man the excretion is.................
15 Blood enters the glomerulus through ............. arteriole and leaves the glomerulus through its ..............arteriole.
16 Upperexpanded portion of ureter is called ..............
17 Sweat glands serve to eliminate mainly ............... and............. 18 Kidneys help in............and.............
19 The removal of bilirubin (pigment) from the body through alimentary canal is called .................
20 A tuft of capillaries in Bowman’s capsule is called ......... 21 The excretion in Amoeba is............
22 The excretion through alimentary canal in earthworm is to.................water.
23 From the kidney the urine iscarried by................. to urinary bladder.
24 Man is ............. as urea forms 80-90% of total nitrogenous wastes.
25 ................ is with maximum amount of urea while .............. with minimum amount of urea.
26 Sweating is mainly meant for ............... and not for excretion.
27 Both .............. and .............. are found in earthworm and lung fish.
28 .................. occurs in mitochondria of liver fells
29 .................. reabsorbs about 65-80% of nephric filtrate so is the main site of selective reabsorption.
30 In adult man, urge for micturition can be suppressed .................. in urinary bladder.
31 Chances of infection of urinary tract are more in women due to .......................
Match the items given in column A to appropriate items given in column 6.
I. Column A Column B II. Column A Column B
32 Micturition (i) Nephron 37 Septal nephridia (i) Proximal convoluted tubule
33 Osmoregulation (ii) Ureter 38 Sweat pores (ii) Pigeon
34 Ornithine (iii) Urinating 39 Loop of Henle (iii) Kidney
35 Renal pelvis (iv) Urea 40 Dialysis (iv) Earthworm
36 Glomerulus (v) Kidneys 41 Uricotelic (v) Perspiration
Write True or False against each statement.
42 All organisms have some methods of waste removal from their body.
43 Kidney acts as a filter to collect urea from blood. 44 Sweating does not help in waste removal from our body.
45 Haemodialysis is not permanent remedy for renal failure.
46 Henle’s loop lies in the medulla part of kidney. 47. Man is ureotelic while a bird is uricotelic.
48 Glomerulus and Bowman’s capsule collectively called malpighian body.
49 Micturition is carried out by reflex. 50. Protein-free fluid is filtered from blood plasma into glomerulus.
51 Urine reaches the urinary bladder from the kidneys through ureters.TERMS TO MEMORIZE
52 The process of selective filtering out small molecules but retaining the large molecules (proteins) is called..........
53 The scattering of particles from higher concentration to lower concentration in liquids, gases and solids is called.....
54 The act of removal of waste nitrogenous products from the body is called..............
55 The nephridia which open to outside by nephridiopore is called..............
56 These nephridia open into the alimentary canal is called..............
57 The network of capillary blood vessels in Bowman’s capsule of nephron is called..............
58 A body formed of both Bowman’s capsule of nephron and glomerulus is called..............
59 The act of passing out urine is called..............
60 The structural and functional unit of vertebrate kidney is called..............
61 The regulation of osmotic concentration in the organism controlling amount of salt and water inside the body is called........
62 The canal or passage through which urine is thrown out of the body is called..............
63 The filtration of small molecules from the solvent (blood) under pressure in the nephron is called..............
64 Excreting urea in urine e.g. mammals is called............ 65 Excreting uric acid e.g. insects, birds etc is called........

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medical entrance