medical entrance questions

Sunday, May 25, 2008

1 . Sieve plate is
a. Pollian vesicle b.Tube feet C.Madreporite d .All the above.
2. Function of Aristotle lantern is-
a.Excretion b. Respiration c. Mastication d. Osmoregulation.
3. Larva of Holothuria is-
a. Auricularia b.Bipinnaria c.Planula d. None.
4. Larvae of Echinodermata are
a. Asymmetrical b. Radially symmetrical c. Bilaterally symmertical d. Biradially symmetrical
5. Antedon is commonly called as-
a. Sea star b. Sea Cucumber c. Sea Lilly d. Brittle star
6. Arms are absent in-
a. Astrea b. Antedon c. Holothuria d. Ophiothrix.
7. Blastopore in Echinoderms form-
a. Mouth b. Anus c. Polian vesicle d. None.
8. One of the following is found in river.
a. Starfish b. Antedon c. Ophiothrix d. None.
9. Arms seem to be divided in
a. Antedon b. Ophiothrix c. Holothuria d. None.
10. Locomotory organs of Echinodermates are-
a. Parapodia b. Pseudopodia c. Foot d. None of the above.
11. Autophagy is common amongst
a. Sea star b. Sea urchin c. Brittle star d. Sea lilly.
12. Which of the following show considerable degree of regeneration?
a. Starfish b. Planaria c. Hydra d. A11.
13. Evisceration is observed in -
a. Sea star B. Sea Cucumber c.Sea Lilly d. Britdttle star
14. Sea stars are-
a. Free living and predatory b. Commensals with coelenterates c. Parasites d. Tubiculous
15. Which of the following have most undeveloped nervous system?
a. Sepia b. Astrea c. Periplaneta d. Rana
16. Sealilies are-
a. Free floating b. Sedentary c. Free Swimming d. Creeping forms
17. Starfishes generally destroy-
a. Sepia b. Jelly fishes c. Pearl oysters d.Gastropods.
18. The fluid of the Ambulacral system is-
a. Haemolymph b. Coelomic fluid c. Blood d. Sea water.
19. A ‘fish’ which is not a fish is-
a. Starfish b. Jelly fish c. Silver fish d. All
20. Which are not a character of Echinoderms?
a. Tube feet b. Ambulacral system c. Pedicellaria d. Radula.
21. Pedicellaria are found in
a. Aplysia b. Sepia c. Astrea d. None.
22. Whch of the following are not applicable to Echinoderms?
a. Marine b. Tube feet c. Ambulacral system d. Bilateral symmetry.
23. Which one is a fixed larva?
a. Brachiolaria b. Pentacrinoid c. Planula d. Doliolaria.
24. In Echinodermata fertilization is -
a. External b. lnternal c. Inside cocoon d. All the above.
25. Echinoderm skeleton is
a. Calcarious b. Chitinous c. Tunicin made d. Silcious.

1.c 2.c 3.a 4.c 5.c 6.c 7.b 8.d 9.a 10.d 11.c 12.d 13.b 14.a 15.b 16.b 17.c 18.d 19.d 20.d 21.c 22.d 23.b 24.a 25.a

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medical entrance