medical entrance questions

Thursday, May 15, 2008

1. In Narcine the scales arc-
a. Cycloid b. Placoid c. Ganoid d. Ctenoid.
2. In Ascidia coelom is-
a. Enterocoelous b. Schizocoelous c. Pseudocoelous d. all the above.
3. Number of cranial nerves in fishes:
a. 12 b. 10 c. 20 d. 15
4. Scroll valves are associated with-
a. Heart b. Kidneys c. Lymphs d. Intestine.
5.Yolk sac placenta is associated with-
a. Mugil b. Remora c. Scoliodon d. Hippocampus.
6. In urochordates larva is known as-
a. Bipinnaria b. Tadpole larva c. Pluteus d. Tomaria.
7. Webberian ossicles are connected to-
a. Tympanum b. Gonads c. Swim bladder d. Scales.
8. In Cephalochordates, the circulatory system is peculiar because-
a. Heart absent b. Blood corpuscles absent c. Blood colourless d. all the above.
9. Larva of Balanoghssus is-
a. Tornaria b. Muller’s larva c. Kentrogen larva d. Imago
10. Arborescent organs are present in-
a. Anabas b. Clarius c. Saccobranchus d. Dipnoi.
11. Which of the following is not a vertebrate, but a chordate?
a. Pigeon b. Hare c. Ascidia d. Lamprey.
12. Retreogresive metamorphosis is met with -
a. Herdmania b. Branchiostoma c. Petromyzon d. Balanoglossus
13. Acraniata are -
a. Agnatha b. Anamniota c. Acoelomata d. prochordata.
14. In which of the following groups jaws are absent?
a. Agnatha b. Urochordata c. Cephalochordata d. All.
15. Ammocoetus is the larval forms of-
a. Pisces b. Urochordates c. Agnatha d. Gnathostomata.
16. Which of the following is a hermaphrodite?
a. Amphioxus b. Ascidia c. Hag fish d. Dog fish
17. Young one of a fish is called-
a. Fry b. Larva c. Nymph d. Juvenile fish.
18. Poikilothermic amniotes come under the group-
a. Cephalochordata b. Reptilia c. Gnath stomata d. Agnatha.
19. Ising-glass is obtained from-
a. Placoid scales b. Swim bladder c. Liver of shark d. Ovary.
20. Which of the following is a cold-blooded tetrapod?
a. Rat b. Toad c. Fish d. Pigeon
21. A distinct notochord is present in the adults of-
a. Ascidia b. Amphioxus c. Cyclostomata d. Pisces.
22. Which one is commonly known as tongue worm?
a. Branchiostoma b. Herdmania c. Salpa d. Balanoglossus.
23. The oldest living fish is
a. Latimeria b. Coelacanth c. Lobe-finned d. All
24. Prototerus is a-
a. Crossopterygean fish b. Ddipnoi fish c. Elasmobranch fish d. Cat fish.

1.b 2.a 3.c 4.d 5.c 6.b 7.c 8.d 9.a 10.b 11.c 12.a 13.d 14.a 15.c 16.b 17.a 18.b
19.b 20.b 21.b 22.d 23.d 24.b

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medical entrance