Animal Reproduction
1. During ovulation which of the following is released from human ovary?
1. Ovum 2. Primary oocyte 3. Secondary oocyte 4. Ootid
2. Per rectal examination in human females, one can palpate
1. Sigmoid colon 2. Ovary 3 . Fallopian tube 4. Urinary bladder.
3. In the woman fertility ceases at about 45-55 years. This arrest of reproductive capacity is
known as
1. Gestation 2. Menopause 3. Menstruation 4. Puberty
4. In human being fertilization mostly occurs in ........ of oviduct
1. Isthmus 2. Ampulla 3. Infundibulum 4. Uterine part
5. The structure formed after release orf ova from graafin follicles and secretory in nature, is
1. Corpus collosum 2. Corpus luteum 3. Corpus albicans
4. Corpus stratum.
6. During secretory phase progesterone is secreted by
1. Placenta 2. Ovary 3 . Corpus luteum 4. Theca interna
7. Oestrous cycle includes
1. A short period of oestrous 2. A long period of anoestrous 3. Both (1) and (2)
4. None of the above
8. In cow, period of oestrous is of
1. 10 hours 2. 12 hours 3. 14 hours 4. 18 hours
9. Oextrous is a
1. Heat period 2. Passive period 3. Active period 4. None of these
10. Anoestrous is a
1. Passive period 2. Active period 3. Both (1) and (2) 4. None of these.
11. The number of autosomes present in sperm of human male is
1. 22 pairs 2. 22 3. 46 4. 23
12. Mammalian sperm was discovered by
1. Her twig 2. Karl Von Baer 3. Schwann 4. Spemann.
13. Ina sperm the nucleus is situated in
1. Acrosome 2. Head 3. Middle piece 4. Tail
14. A sperm without acrosome, can not
1. Get food supply 2. Move 3. Penetrate into the seminal vesicle
4. Penetrate into the ovum
15. What is essential for the motility of sperm?
1. Acrosomal cap 2. Axial filament 3 . Centrioles 4. Mitochondria
16. Conversion of spermatid into a spermatozoan is called
1. Gametogenesis 2. Spermatogenesis 3. Spermiogenesis 4. Karyokinesis
17. The middle piece of sperm provides
1. Chromosomes 2. Energy 3. Food 4. Genes
18. The human sperm was first seen and discovered by
1. Hamm and Leeuwenhoek 2. Haeckel 3. Spallanzani 4. Von Baer
19. A primary spermatocyte is
1. Diploid 2. Haploid 3. Triploid 4. Polyploid
20. How many sperms and ova will be produced from 25 primary spermatocytes and 25
primary oocytes respectively?
1. 100 sperms and 100 ova 2. 100 sperms and 50 ova
3. 100 sperms and 25 ova 4. 50 sperms and 25 ova
21. The germ cells are derived from
1. Encocerm 2. Ectoderm 3. Mesoderm 4. Ectoderm and mesoderm
22. During fertilization two cells fuse yet the blastomeres of zygote contains the same number of
chromosomes as in the body cells, because
1. Meiodis occurs during cleavage 2.Meiodis occurs during gametogenesis
3. Parthenogenesis occurs during gametogenesis 4. Chromosomes are absent during
23. Which cell inclusion of the spermatid forms the acrosome of the sperm?
1. Centriole 2. Golgi body 3 . Mitochondria 4. Nucleus
24. Enzyme secreted from acrosome is
1. Sperm gastrin 2. Sperm lysin 3. Sperm trypsin 4. Male hormone (tetosterone)
25. Mitochondria of a sperm occur in its
1. Middle piece 2. head 3. acrosome 4. tail
1. (3) 2. (2) 3. (2) 4. (2) 5. (2) 6. (3) 7. (3) 8. (4) 9. (1) 10. (1)
11. (2) 12. (4) 13. (2) 14. (4) 15. (2) 16. (3) 17. (2) 18. (1) 19. (1) 20. (3)
21. (1) 22. (2) 23. (2) 24. (2) 25. (1)
medical entrance questions
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
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