medical entrance questions

Saturday, June 28, 2008



1. Extrinsic muscles of human eye are attached to

a. Cornea b. Sclera c. Choroid d. Retina

2. Which of the following is absent from the human eye?

a. Choroid b. Cricoid c. retina d. Sclera

3. Density of vitreous humour is equal to

4. Eyes of man are adapted for

a. Diurnal vision b. Light and dark vision c. Noctural vision d. None of the above

5. The visual purple (rhodopsin) in the eye is found in

a. cornea b. Cones c. Rods d. Retina

6. Harderian glands are absent in

a. Rabbit b. Man c. Rabbit and man d. Crow

7. In which of the following the eyes do not shine at night?

a. Cat b. Lion c. Man d. Fish

8. Compound eyes are present in

a. Insects b. Prawns c. Crabs d. All of these

9. The defective condition of accommodation of the eye in which distant objects are seen distinctly

but near objects indistinct is

a. Astigmatism b. Presbyopia c. Myopia d. Hypermetropia

10. Presbyopia is

a. Old age sight b. blurred vision c. short sightedness d. Cataract

11. Helix is a part of

a. Pinna b. Tympanum c. External auditory canal d. Malleus

12. The site from which the nerve impulse for hearing originates is

a. Ear ossicles b. Cochlea c. Auditory nerve d. Tympanum

13. The perception of sound in a mammal is by stimulation of mechanoreceptors located in

a. Reissner’s membrane b. Sacculus c. Semicircular canal d. Organ of corti

14. Cochlea is a structure found in the

a. Internal ear of man b. Pelvic girdle of man c. Shell of snail

d. Urostyle of frog

15. The tectorial membrane is found in the

a. Eye of frog b. Eye of mammals c. Ear of mammal d. Tongue of frog

16. Balancing organs occur in

a. Sponges b. Paramecia c. Only mammals d. All vertebrates

17. Eye lens is

a. Biconcave b. Concave c. Convex d. Biconvex

18. Glaucoma is due to

a. Blocking of canal of Schlemm b. drying up of vitreous humor

c. Increased size of eye d. Opacity of lens

19. Which one is photosensitive in mammals?

a. Retinol b. Rhodopsin c. Melanin d. Sclerotin

20. Middle ear has
a. Two sets of tiny bones b. Three sets of tiny bones

c. Two sets s of large bones d. Three sets of large bones

21. Endolymph has good quantity of

a. Na b. Ca c. Mg d. Ci

22. Sequence of ear ossicles of vertebrates, starting from tympanum is

a. Stapes, incus and malleus b. Stapes, malleus and incus

c. Incus, malleus and stapes d. Malleus, incus and stapes

23. Ear drum is known as

a. Tympanic membrane b. Tensor tympani c. Scala tympani d. Scala vestibuli

24. Organs of Ruffini are receptors of

a. Cold b. Pressure c. Heat d. Touch

25. What are Thigmoreceptors?

a. Tactile hairs b. Taste hairs c. Chemo receptors d. None


1. b 2. b 3.c 4. b 5. c 6. c 7. c 8. d 9. d 10. a 11. a 12. b 13. d 14. a 15. c 16. d 17. d 18. a 19. b 20. a 21. b 22. d 23. a 24. c 25. a

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medical entrance