medical entrance questions

Wednesday, June 25, 2008



1. The Oxygen in CO2 produced in respiration comes from

a. O2 b. C6H12O6 c. H2O d. Both C6H12O6 and H2O

2. The atom within each cytochrome molecule that actually accepts and releases electron is

a. C b. Fe c. Mg d. Zn

3. Instantaneous source of energy is

a. Glucose b. Fructose c. Sucrose d. All

4. The most common respiratory substrate is

a. Fructose b. Glucose c. Organic acids d. Fat

5. How much kcal energy is produced in biological oxidation per mole of oxygen reduced?

a. 150 b. 3600 c. 686 d. 114.

6. Most of the ATP is synthesized during

a. Glycolysis b. Citric acid cycle c. Electron Transport

d. Oxidation of Pyruvic acid.

7. Zymosis is also called

a. Fermentation b. Action of zymogens c. Pasteurization

d. synapsis of chromosomes

8. Germinating wheat seeds are put in a Ganong’s respiroscope filled with mercury of saturated

sodium chloride solution. What will happen to it after 24 hours when apparatus is set?

a. Level will rise b. Level will fall c. Level remains as such d. Seeds will die

9.What is the rate of respiration when it is taking place in the presence of


a. It increases b. It decreases

c. It first increases and then declines d. It initially declines and finally rises

10. Who discovered anaerobic respiration?

a. Preffer b. Cruickshank c. Kostytchev d. Pasteur

11. Fermentation is incomplete oxidation of carbohydrates in which

a. Energy is released b. Energy is consumed

c. Energy is stored d. Energy is neither liberated nor consumed

12. In respiration, the potential energy stored in food is released in the form of

a. Kinetic energy b. Physical energy c. Chemical energy d. radiant energy

13. Fermentation can occur outside the living cell. It was given by

a. Pfluger b. Cruickshenk c. Buchner d. Kuhne

14. It is the enzyme symase and not the yeast itself is responsible for fermenting the sugars,

was shown by

a. Buchner b. Pasteur c. Kuhne d. Cruickshank

15. Hydrogen acceptor in cellular respiration is

a. NAD b. FAD c. NADP d. All of these

16. Which of the following process makes direct use of oxygen?

a. Glycolysis b. Fermentation c. Citric acid cycle d. Electron Transport

17. One of the products of aerobic respiration is

a. Malic acid b. Lactic acid c. Pyruvic acid d. Ethyl alcohol

18. Electron transport system in mitochondria is located in

a. Outer membrane b. Inner membrane c. Inter-cristae space d. Inner chamber

19. Net gain of ATP in glycolysis from one molecule of glucose is

a. 8 b. 4 c. 2 d. 0

20. Metabolic water is the water produced in

a. Dark respiration b. Terminal oxidation c. When O2 combines with 2H in ETS

d. All of the above

21. ATP cycle was discovered by Lipmann in year

a. 1941 b. 1951 c. 1961 d. 1971

22. In the above step, pyruvic acid is

a. Oxidised b. Reduced c. Isomerism d. Broken into one carbon fragment

23. During oxidative phosphorylation, protons return to

a. Matrix from outside b. Outside from matrix c. In both directions

d. None of these

24. Last step of Krebs’ cycle involves breakdown of

a. Malic acid b. OAA c. Fumaric acid d. Citric acid

25. In anaerobic respiration, Krebs’cycle is replaced by

a. Floating respiration b. Photorespiration c. HMP Pathway

d. Entner Doudoroff


1. d 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. d 6. c 7. a 8. c 9. c 10. c

11. a 12. a
13. c 14. a 15. d 16. d 17. a 18. b 19. c 20. d

21. a 22. a 23. a 24. a 25. c

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medical entrance