medical entrance questions

Monday, June 30, 2008



1. Ospharadium is a

a. Pressoreceptor b. Chemoreceptor c. Rheoreceptor d. Phonoreceptor.

2.Veliger larva is an ectoparasite on-

a. Crab b.Fish c.Pila d. None

3.The mollusc which is commonly called as sea hare-

a. Rabbit b. Aphrodite c. Aplysia d.Pinctada

4. A pelagic gastropod is -

a. Chiton b. Doliolum c. Murex d. Pteropod

5. Pearls are produced by

a. Poromya b. piinctada c. Pholas d. pila

6. In mollsca the respiratory pigment is-

a. Haemoglobin b. Heamocyanin c.Myoglobin d. Chloroorurin.

7. Oldest part of the shell of Unio is

a. Operculum b.Hinge c. Umbo d.Umbilicus.

8. Which mollusc is commonly known as giant squid?

a. Aplysia b. Architeuthis c. Arenicloa d. Archioris

9.Pearl oysters are destroyed by-

a. Hothurians b. Starfishes c.Gastropo d.Fishes.

10. The eye of one mollusc is compared to mat of a vertebrates

a. Pila b. Sepia c.Unio d. Chiton

11. The function of hectocotylized arm in Cephalopoda is

a. Defense b.Adhession c. Copulation d. Prehensile.

12.In unio the respiratory organs are

a. Ctenedia b.Book lungs c.Pulmonary sac d.Trachea.

13. The organ for equilibrium in Pila is

a. Statocyst b.Ommatophore c. Osphradium d. Pseudepipodium.

14. Which of the following are a segmented mollusc?

a. Pila b. Ncopalina c.Devilfish d. Denitallium

15. Asymmetry is observed in

a. Pila b.Unio c.Holothuria d. Astrea.

16. Which of the animals have non-segmented body?

a.Tape worm b.Glow worm c. Ship worm d. Clam worm

17. The organ of Bojanus is meant for

a.Circulation b. Excretion c. Respiration d. Defense

18. The branch of science dealing with molluscan shell is

a. Onchology b. Conchology c. Odentilogy d. Calcology

19. The ‘spiny tongue’ of Pila is called

a. Petasma b. Radula c.Osphradium d. Nuchal lobe.

20. The adult slugs are without-

a. Shell b. Tentacles c. Muscular foot d. None of these.

21. The larval form of Unio is-

a. Glochidium b.Pluteus c.Tomaria d. Veliger

22. Kcbcr’s organ is associated with;

a.Ctenidium b.Stomach c. Liver d. Pericardium

23. Murex is

a. Boring mollusc b. Spiny xancus c. Pelagic mollusc d. Shell-less mollusc

24. A wood boring worm-

a. Patella b. Nereis c. Teredo d. Ancylostoma.

25. Which one are exclusively marine-mollusc?

a. Gastropods b. Pelecypods c. Cephalopods d. Scaphopods


1. b 2. d 3. c 4. d 5. b 6. b 7. c 8. b 9. b 10. b

11. c 12. a 13. a 14.b 15. a 16. c 17. b 18. b 19. b 20. a

21. a 22. d 23. b 24. c 25. c

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medical entrance