medical entrance questions

Monday, June 30, 2008



1. Carina is present in-

a. Flying birds b. Flightless birds c. All birds d. No birds.

2. Which of the following bird is unable to perch?

a. Duck b. Sparrow c. Peacock d. Fowl

3. Pecten is a structure found in the.......of birds.

a. Cloaca b. Syrinx c. Eye d. Atlas

4. The cervical vertebra of birds are-

a. Procoelous b. Amphicoelous c. Heterocoelous d. Amphiplatyean

5. Sound-box in birds is known as:

a. Larynx b. Synsacrum c. Syrinx d. Pygostyle.

6. Reminges are-

a. Down feathers of tail b. Quill feathers of tail

c. Down feathers of wings d. Quill feathers of wings.

7. In birds the arrangements of feathers on the body is known as-

a. Pterylosis b. Parasitosis c. Coccidiosis d. Biocoenosis

8. Which one of the following is a flightless bird

a. Struthio b. Pavo c. Gallus d. Swan.

9. Name of a bird which can fly backward;

a. Albatros b. Crane c. Humming bird d. Kiwi

10. Barbicils are absent in

a. Crow b. Kiwi c. Hen d. Duck.

11. Pigeon-milk is produced from-

a. Mammary glands b.Preen glands c. Liver d. crop

12. Foramen Triossium is found in the ..........of birds.

a. Pelvic girdles b. Pectoral girdles c. Craniam d. Keel

13. Recovery stroke in bird’s flight is made by-

a. Pectoralis major b.Pectoralis minor c. Coraco-branchialis d. All

14. Atlas-suria are kinds of-

a. Flight muscles b. Beaks c. Eyes d. Feathers.

15. In birds which one of the ovaries is atrphied

a. Right b. Left c. Upper d. Lower.

16. What are common features of birds and Mammals?

a. 4-chambered heart and left aortic arch b. 4-chambered heart and right aortic arch

c. Non-nucleated RBC d. Homeothermy.

17 In birds RBCs are-

a. Anucleated b. Mono nucleated c. Bi nucleated d. Multi nucleated

18. Furcula is a part of-

a. Keel b. Syrinx c. Clavicle d. Cloaca.

19. In birds the number of aortic arches is-

a. singular pairs b. Two pairs c.Single right d. Single left

20. Birds are?

a. Ureotelic b. Uricotelic c. Ammonotelic d. Both b & c.


1. a 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. c 6. b 7. a 8. a 9. c 10. b

11. d 12. b 13. b 14.d 15. a 16. d 17. b 18. c 19. c 20. b

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medical entrance