medical entrance questions

Monday, June 30, 2008


Reproduction and Development in Animals

1. Genetically, identical offspring of a single parent are known as:

a. Cistron b. Recon c. Clone d. Gemmule e. Cylon

2. The internal buds produced by fresh water sponges are:

a. Gemmules b. Cytons c. Amoebospores d. Pscudopodiospores e.Cistrons

3. The type of budding seen in hydra is:

a. Exogenous b. Endogenous c. Internal d. Gemmule formation e. Sporulation

4. The type of sexual reproduction seen in paramecium is:

a. Parthenogcnesis b. Binary fission c. Sporulation d. Conjugation e. hermaphroditism

5. Which among the following hermaphrodite animals show self fertilisation?

a. Tapeworm b. Earthworm c. Round worm d. Hook worm e Filarial worm

6. Parthenogenesis is:

a. Development of a new individual from fertilised ovum

b .Development of a new individual from unfcrtilised ovum

c. Self fertilisation in tapeworms
d. Sporulation of amoeba

e. Gemmule formation in sponges

7. Parthonogenetic development in insects (aphids) is discovered by:

a. Gregory Piscus b. Bonnet c. Landsteiner d. Harvey e. Leewenhock

8. Each testis is made up of highly coiled tubules known as:

a. Testicular lobules
b. Inguinal canal c. Scminiterous lubules

d. Spermatic cord e. Seminal vesicle

9. The human testes are kept in:

a. Testicular lobules b. Scrotum c. Inguinal canals d. Spermatic cold


10. Vasa efferentia connects:

a. Vas delerens with ejaculatory duct b. Vas delerens with urethra

c Testis with epididymis d. Testis with vas deferens e. Testis with ejaculatory duct

11. The prostate duct from prostrate gland of male genital system opens into:

a. Ejaculatory duct b. Epididymis c. Urethra d. Vasa efferetia e. Vas deferens

12. The primary sexual organs of males aie:

a .Testes b . Penis c. Scrotun d. Ovaries e. Clitoris

13. Each ovary is suspended from the dorsal body wall by means of

a. Mesorchium b. Tunica albuginea c. Mesovarium d. Inguinal canal

e. Both a and d

14. The mature ovarian follicle is known as:

a. Cumulus oophorus b. Follicular atresia
c. Zona peilucida

d. Craafian follicle e. Corona radiata

15.The temporary endocrine gland of ovary is:

a.Corpus callosum b.Corpus cavernosum
c. Corpus callosum

d. Corpus albicans e.Corpus sponglosum

16. The length of oviduct/fallopian tube is:

a. 5 cm b. 9 cm c.12 cm d.15cm e.20 cm

17. The inner lining of uterus is:

a. Myomelium b. Lamina propia c. Endometrium d. Advtitia e. Serosa

18. Mammary glands are:

a. Simple glands b. Tubular glands c. Tubulo alveolar gland d. Endocrine gland

e.Both a & d

19. The head of sperm contains:

a Nucleus b Mitochondria c. Acrosome d. Both a & c e. Axoneme

20. During oogenesis, the primary oocyte divides to form:

a.2 secondary oocyles
b.2 polar bodies c. 1 secondary oocyte & 1 polar body

d.2oogonial cells e. ootids

21. During ovulation, ova is in:

a. Priimary oocyte Stage b. Secondary oocyte stage

c. Polar body stage d. Oogonial stage e. Fobicular stage

22. The liberation of ova from mature grafian follicle is known as:

a Fobicuiar atresia b. Ovulation c. Luteinization d Menopause e Menarchy

23. Chemically, estrogens & progesterone are:

a. Proteins b. Carbohydrares c Steroids d Glycoprotein e. Lipoprotein

24. At the end of secondary phase of menustrual cycle, when the progesterone level drops, the

corpus luteum degenerates & transforms into a white body known as

a. Corpuscallosum b.Corpra cavernasa c.Corpus spongiosum

d. Corpus albicans e. Corpora quadrigemina

25. Menustrual cycle isan --------- day cycle

a. 24 b. 28 c. 32 d. 34 e. 38

26. Sperm lysins are secreted by

a. Acrosome b. Mitochondria c. Ova d. Fpllicular cells e. Granulosacells

27. Monospermy is

a. fusion of a single egg with many sperms b. fusion of a single egg with a sperm

c. Fusion of many eggs with a sperm d The phenomenon of activation of sperm

e. None

28. Cleavage divisions are:

a. Meiotic b. Ameiotic c. Amitotic d. mitotic e. Both a & c

29. In the embryonic development of humans, the inner cell mass of blastocyst give rise to:

a. Extra embryonic membranes b. Foetal membranes c. Embryo proper

d. Blastocoel e. Placenta


1. c 2. a 3. a 4. d 5. a 6. b 7. b 8. c 9. b 10. c

11. c 12. a 13. c 14. d 15. c 16. c 17. c 18. c 19. d 20. c

21. b 22. b 23. d 24. a 25. b 26. d 27. c 28. c 29. c

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medical entrance