medical entrance questions

Monday, June 23, 2008


1. A branch of biology which deals with the identification, nomenclature and classification of


1. Morphology 2. Ecology 3. Taxonomy 4. Phytogeography

2. Who is known as father of taxonomy?

1. Mendel 2. Linnaeus 3. Darwin 4. Crick

3. Binomial nomenclature was introduced by

1. John Ray 2. A.P. deCandolle 3. A.L. de Jussien 4. Carolus Linnaeus

4. The basic unit of classification is

1. Variety 2. Species 3. Genus 4. Family

5. A group of freely interbreeding organism constitutes a

1. Species 2. Genera 3. Family 4. Class

6. According to binomial nomenclature, the scientific name of an organism must consist of two

words.These are

1. Species and tribe 2. Genus and species 3. Order and family 4. Genus

and family

7. Which taxonomic term may be substituted for any rank in the classification?

1. Class 2. Genus 3. Species 4. Taxon

8. Cryptogams include

1. Thallophytes 2. Bryophytes 3. Pteridophytes 4. All of the above

9. Algae are characterized by

1. Pyrenoids 2. Aquatic habit 3. Unicellular sex organ 4. All of the


10. In Whittaker’s classification, unicellular organisms are grouped under

1. Protista 2. Porifera 3. Fungi 4. Protozoa

11. The mode of nutrition in all fungi is characterically

1. Symbiotic n 2. Autotrophic 3. Holozoic 4. Saprotrophic

12. The reserve food in fungal cells is

1 . Starch 2. Cyanophycean starch 3. Glycogen 4. Glycogen and fat

13. The algal partner of a lichen is called

1. Mycobiont 2. Phycobiont 3. Both above 4. None above

14. Pteridophytes are known as

1. Sea plants 2. Vascular cryptogams 3. Club mosses 4. Horse tails

15. Gymnosperms are characterized by

1. Non-motile male gametes 2. Naked seeds 3. Winged seeds 4. True fruits

16. Which one is mismatched?

1. Flagella ........ Euglena 2. Pseudo podia ......... Amoeba

3. Cilia ......... Paramecium 4. Flagella ......... Plasmodium

17. Contractile vacuole is present in

1. Amoeba 2. Euglena 3. Paramecium 4. All of the above

18. ‘Venus flower basket’ is the dried skeleton of

1. Euspongia 2. Euplectella 3. Spongilla 4. Leucosolenia

19. Choanocytes are unique to

1. Protozoa 2. Porifera 4. Echinodermata 3. Mollusca

20. Cnidaria is characterised by

1. Nematoblasts 2. Coelenteron 3. Tissue level of organisation 4. All the


21. Mesoglea is characteristic of

1. Platyhelminthes 2. Aschelminthes 3. Cnidaria 4. Mollusca

22. True jelly fish (e.g., Aurelid) belongs to class

1. Hydrozoa 2. Anthozoa 3. Scyphozoa 4. Both 2 and 3

23. Polymorphism is exhibited by

1. Hydra 2. Physalia 3. Metridium 4. Aurelia

24. Comb jellies belong to

1. Scyphozoa 2. Hydrozoa 3. Ctenophora 4. Both 1 and 2

25. Platyhelminthes are called

1. Round worms 2. Flat worms 3. Blind worms 4. None of the above

26. In Platyhelminthes, the excretory organs are

1. Nephridia 2. Malpighian turbules 3. Flame cells (solenocytes) 4. Green


27. Platyhelminthes are

1. Coelomates 2. Pseudocoeiomates 3. Haemocoelomates

4. Acoelomates

28. The common name for Ascaris is

1. Shipworm 2. Pinworm 3. Tapeworm 4. Round worm

29. Metamerism is characteristic feature of

1. Chordata 2. Annelida 3. Mollusca 4. Nematoda

30. The excretory organs of Annelida are

1. Nephridia 2. Statocysts 3. Archeocytes 4. None of the above

31. The body cavity of Arthropoda is

1. Pseudocoel 2. Coelom 3. Haemocoel 4. Acoelom

32. Respiration in arthropods occurs through

1. Gills 2. Booklungs 3. Trachea 4. All of the above

33. Which of the following Classes has largest number of animals?

1. Mammals 2. Pisces 3. Insecta 4. Reptilia

34. Spiders and scorpions are

1. Insecta 2. Millipedes 3. Arachnids 4. Crustacea

35. Which of the following is commonly known as cuttlefish?

1. Teredo 2. Sepia 3. Loligo 4. Solen

36. Devil fish is common name of

1. Octopus 2. Sepia 3. Loligo 4. Nautilus

37. Exclusive marine phylum is

1.Echinodermata 2. Porifera 3. Cnidarians 4. Protozoa

38. Tube feet is the locomotory organ of

1. Starfish 2. Jelly fish 3. Crop fish 4. Silver fish

39. Amphioxus belongs to

1.Craniata 2. Hemichordata 3. Urochordata 4. Cephalochordata

40. Herdmania is a

1.Urochordate 2. Cephalochordate 3. Hemichordate 4. Craniate

41. Common name of Peteromyzon is

1. Lancet 2. Hagfish 3. Acorn worm 4. Lamprey

42. Hagfish is the common name of

1. Octopus 2. Balanoglossus 3. Myxine 4. Peteromyzon

43. Elasmobranchs do not have

1. Placoid scales 2. Gill-slits 3. Notochord 4. Operculum

44. What is the scientific name of national bird of India?

1. Psittacula eupatra 2. Passer domesticus 3. Pavo cristatus

4. Corvussplendens

45. Pneumatic bones are found in

1. Whale 2. Dolphin 3. Peacock 4. Snake

46. Common between ostrich, penguin and kiwi is that all are ............. birds.

1. Running 2. Migratory 3. Flightless 4. Four toed

47. Birds differ from bats in absence of

1. Homeothermy 2. Four-chambered heart 3. Tracheae 4. Diaphragm

48. Pouched are

1. Prototherians 2. Metatherian 3. Eutherian 4. Therians


1.3 2.2 3.4 4.2 5.1 6.2 7.4 8.4 9.4 10.1 11.4 12.4 13.2 14.2 15.2 16.4

17.4 18.2 19.2 20.4 21.3 22.3 23.2 24.3 25.2 26.3 27.4 28.4 29.2 30.1

31.3 32.4 33.3 34.3 35.2 36.1 37.1 38.1 39.4 40.1 41.4 42.3 43.4 44.3 45.3

46.3 47.4 48.2

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medical entrance