medical entrance questions

Monday, June 30, 2008



1. Name Porifera is given by

a) Aristotle b) Robert Grant c) Lamarck d) None

2. Choanocyte cells are characteristics of

a) Jelly fishes b) Sponges c) Platyhelminthes d) All the above

3. Canal system is found in

a) Coelenterata b) Enchinodermata c) Porifera d) All the above

4. In Leucosolenia, asexual reproduction takes place by

a) Binary fission b) Sporulation c) External budding (germination)

d) Cyst formation

5. The gameters in sponges develop from

a) Amoebocytes b) Archeocytes c) Choanocytes d) Myocytes

6. Phylogenetically, the sponges have evolved from:

a) Protozoans b) Flagallates c) Choanoflagellates d) Ciliates

7. In sponges, the food is stored in :

a) Trophocytes b) Thesocytes c) Desmocytes d) Archeocytes

8. Which of the cells are found in sponges only

a) Amoebocytes b) Chromocytes c) Choanocytes d) Archeocytes

9. Which one of the sponge corresponds to the mouth of other animals

a) Osculum b) Incurrent canal c) Ostia d) Excurent canal

10. A chamber common to all types of canal system of sponges is called:

a) Paragastric cavity b) Radial chamber c) Excurrent canal

d) Incurrent canal

11. If a carmine particle is put on the osculum of a living sponge, it will

a) Be ingested b) Be thrown away c) Rotate d) Adhere

12. Canal System in Leucosolenia is

a)Asconoid b) Syconoid c) Leuconoid d) Rhagon

13. The digestion of Leucosolenia is

a) Inter cellular b)flntracellular c) Extracellular d) Holozoic

14. The Skeleton of sponges is mostly formed by

a) Myocytes b) Chromocytes c) Porocytes d) Scleroblasts

15. The outer epithelium of the sponges is composed

a) Choanocytes b) Amoebocytes c) Pinacocytes d) Chromocytes

16. Pinacocytes are found in the body of

a) Snail b) Rabbit c) Sponge d) Hydra

17. Middle layer of body wall of porifera is:

a) Mesoderm b) Mesenchyme c) Mesogloea d) Mesentery

18. The spongocoel in Leucosolenia is lined by

a) Amoebocytes b) Choancoytes c) Scleroblasts d) Pinacocytes

19. The larva of Leucosolenia is

a) Parenchymula b) Planula c) Amphiblastula d) Archeoblastula

20. The larva of Sycon is

a) Parenchymula b) Planula c) Amphiblastula d) Redia

21. Exogenous budding a type of asexual reproduction in sponges is known as

a) Gemmulation b) Gemmation c) Regeneration d) Amphimixis

22. Endogenous budding is

a) Gemmule formation b) Gamets formation c) Gemmation d) Endomixis

23. Spongilla is

a) Marine sponge b) Fresh water sponge c) No sponge d)Parasiticsponge

24. Spongacoel is also known as

a) Paragastric cavity b) Gastro-vascular cavity c) Water vascular cavity

d) Coelenteron

25. The body wall of sponges has many

a) Pores b) Gemmules c) Oscula d) Trophocytes

26. Venus flower Basket is

a) Euplectella b) Chalina c) Hyalonema d) Hippospongia

27. Excretory waste of Leucosolenia and sycon is

a) Ammonia b) Urea c) Guianine d) Uric Acid

28. Maximum power of regeneration is found in

a) Sponge b) Hydra c) Starfish d) None

29. Spicules in sponges are made up of

a) CaCO3 b) silica C)Both d) None

30. Tissue grade is absent in one of the following

a) Sponges b) Protozoans C) Both d) None


1. b 2. b 3. c 4. c 5. b 6. c 7. b 8. c 9. c 10. a

11. b 12. a 13. b 14. d 15. c 16. c 17. b 18. b 19. a 20. c

21. b 22. a 23. b 24. a 25. a 26. a 27. a 28. a 29. c 30. c


Unknown said...

I think in question five (a) option is correct and question six is excellent question.

Unknown said...

Nice 👍

medical entrance